Systemic Coaching
This is an ideal approach for those looking for a solution focused approach to challenges they are facing. While my background is in listening therapy and working with unravelling ‘the past’, I have evolved my way of working over the last 20 years. Having extensively trained in homeopathy and systemic constellations and drawn from years of experience from further personal and professional development in various fields, I have developed my own unique coaching approach to working with clients in my own practice. I love applying a holistic approach and looking through a systemic lens while listening to the various challenges people bring to a session. In the first phase I concentrate on collecting a comprehensive picture of where someone is at and where they have come from (background). Being fully seen with all that is and was, is often a first step in healing. From there, where possible, it is my aim to bring light and a new impulse to the situation. What is possible from there is a beautiful part of the individual’s path.
I love bringing in and developing a person’s heart desire, and applying a number of techniques to create movement and possibilities in someone’s life.
In my experience, once we have seen something differently, we can never quite undo that knowledge. That new way of understanding has an effect but where it takes the person that’s an individual’s journey and being witness to that is part of why I enjoy what I do. I work on the basis that it is always the client who heals him/herself, and I do not contract people to a certain amount of coaching sessions. I work with the energy a person brings to each session, so it is important to me that each session is fully wanted by the client, so we don’t waste our energies and money and keep the exchange clean at all times.
I have worked with a huge variety of issues over the past 25 years. Common issues brought to my sessions include:
Family Issues
Health issues
Needing a new direction
Parenting issues of all kinds
Anxiety, depression and other mental challenges
Feelings of being lost and not knowing what step to take next
Relationship issues (I have worked with couples where both parties are present but also with individual’s in challenging relationships who come without their partner)
For more information or to book an appointment please call 07785 772 912
Photo at the top by Content Pixie on Unsplash